Sunday 11 May 2014

Birthday Binges and Reality Bites.

Firstly, yes I know. It's been a little while since I blogged. But I have an awesome excuse in all fairness;
For part of it it was because I was out hammering out 5k training sessions, I even managed to shave off 6 minutes from my original time. Which is good, seeing as the same day I did this, when I got home there was an envelope lying on my doormat which contained this;

ARGGGGHHHHH!! Words can not explain how badly this terrified me. Suddenly it felt real. Like really really real. In a  few weeks time I will be walking/running (part of it) in front of at least 953 other people! What the hell have I got myself in to? So I thought the best plan to ease my nerves was so to sit and fill out my back sign. And remind me why I have put myself forward for this doing particular run, after only deciding that I wanted to run the day before. This is what I came up with;

And you know what it worked! Cancer is, for lack of better words an absolute C**T! And if I, a massively overweight, ridiculously unfit novice can stand up in this battle and say "F**k You Cancer!", we're not standing for any of your Bull any more. You have hurt too many of our friends and loved ones for us to ignore it, then honestly anyone can. Seriously, If I can do this. You can too!!! And that goes for Race for Life, it also goes for getting fit and making a stand. No matter how hard it is, trust me, you'll feel a helluva lot better once you take the first step on your Journey.
I also got to thinking about things that I need to focus on in order to push past that wall of a barrier I reach (usually around 3.5k) and It's my Mum. Truth is, I've always been close to my Mum, and when she was diagnosed with cancer it was actually a relief because we finally knew what was wrong with her. But even now, 2 years on, she isn't in Remission as the type of cancer she has hides and basically she has to go longer being c-free before she's in remission. And that makes me angry. And that is what I am going to focus on when I'm struggling. How hard people everywhere are fighting and struggling to over come, and I owe it to them to push forward, and earn as much sponsorship money as possible, as every little helps (click the link, thanks -----------> ) I watched my mum go from being a bubble person, to essentially a skeleton who, even 2 years on, requires a wheelchair. And if I can help stop even one family from going through this then I feel I have helped a whole heap. :) :)

I also had to re-do my challenge chart this week as 1) it was getting too easy and 2) I wanted to gear it more towards running,So I did. 

Notice the distinct lack of stars on that atm, thats because it's starting today. And later I'm gonna watch a episode of season 2 of Bates Motel whilst I exercise and do Zombie Run on the spot :) Btw, my fridge is starting to look rather packed with all of these inspirational quotes and challanges I keep setting myself.

But it works. So that make's me happy. :) :)

I'm currently composing a running track list to put on my Ipod. Something that I'm realising is harder done than said. As just because I love a song it doesn't necessarily make it a good song to motivate me to run, longer and further. My current list is full to the brim of a wide variety of music, from Korn to Pink to Imagine Dragons (I'm hooked on the latter right now, and the set up of the songs make for excellent running music - I urge to youtube them if you haven't heard of them, Current fave's are Radioactive and Demons) I even bought myself some snazzy new water resistant headphones designed to clip onto your ears when your run with some of the money I got for my Birthday,


What did I just say? Ahhh yes, my diet and training to pot this week as I celebrated turning 27 on Friday :) 

One birthday in a week is bad enough to stay on track,  but when It was my dear W's on nWednesday too. It was, honestly a disaster, culminating on friday evening when  plenty of drinkie-poo's and, well, this happened; 

I know I KNOW. So so SO bad, but it was a double birthday celebration, and Now i'm back to being a little saint. In fact, i'm going to have to end this post for the simple reason my sausage casserole that has been simmering away in the slow cooker all afternoon is done. Nom.

So on that note, 

Peace out peeps x x x

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